
Creation is a tragic comedy because Water and Fire, the Sacred Feminine and Masculine can never actually touch, they annhilate each other.  That’s why Air, or Mind, must exist between them.  Air lets them dance instead of cancel each other out.  Tragic that they can never touch, but because of that they can get infinitely closer to eachother.  Since Water & Fire are the 2 primary energies of Creation, nothing can be created without the participation of both, so everything, and each of us, has aspects of both within.

When two beings come together, one essentially masculine, one feminine, the outcome is a third being who has both within.  When Water&Fire dance within one being, the product is creativity, Imagination.

Hermes Trismagestus(Thrice Great) observed and layed out, gave insight to the people about, 7 guiding principle that apply to absolutely everything in Nature.  The second is Correspondance (As Above, So Below.  It deals with how the micro reflects the macro, structure of atoms mirror the structure of solar systems), the third is Vibration (everything is in a constant state of vibration so casts Frequency), the fourth is Polarity (everything has a positive and negative side and so a directional flow), the fifth is Rhythm (everything moves in cycles, day, night, the seasons, the tides, the moon…), the sixths is Cause And Effect (‘nuf said), the seventh is Gender (everything has both masculine and feminine aspects but is essentially one or the other).  The First is Mentalism, which states that ALL IS A MENTAL CONSTRUCT OF THE ALL.  The way I’ve always wrapped my mind around that is to consider that Creation is a figment of God’s Imagination.

So the Sacred Feminine and the Sacred Masculine, then become God’s own Water and Fire dancing within the One Being that is Everything.

“Today a young man on acid realized that all energy is merely energy condenced to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing Itself subjectively…here’s tom with the weather…”  The Universe is all about perspective, and it’s easy to adopt the view that nothing is really real.  But the opposing perspective holds just as much water.  Everything is real, to some degree.  Anything that exists, in any way shape or form, even for just a split second, had some spec of reality to it.

The longer something exists, the more density and substance it retains, the more real it is.  That’s why Earth, Manifest Reality, is the Foundation of Existence.  It informs all the other planes and is the one the keeps them existing.  So if Earth stays sick, and She is, then it won’t be long before that sickness starts to degrade and deteriorate All the rest.

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