The Self-Expressionist

It’s to be located in a big open-spaced building, like a warehouse or abandoned factory.  There’ll be halls made of half-height book shelves leading to rooms made of full-hight book shelve.  Each room will have someone from the community that provides a service, like tattoo artists, piercers, body-mod specialists, even tarot readers.  The books will be gathered by subject according to everything someone would learn or could learn in school about that subject.  So if someone wanted to be a cardiologist someday, from the time they were 14, but had little to no hope of ever being able to afford to pay for college for such things, they could spend years leading up to the end of highschool preparing to try to earn a scholarship.  Of course there’d be no cadavers to practice on, but all the book learnin’ could be done there.

In the back there will be a pub, with snacks to go with booze, but since you can’t serve alcohol all night, and it’ll be open 24/7, the other half of the back will be a coffee bar, with donuts and pastries and such.

There will either be a section or a bulletin board for trading.  Say you just got a new t.v. but the old one still works fine, and you don’t have a stereo.  Someone else just got a new stereo but the old one still work great.  This the trade section will facilitate.

The Self-Expressionist could help people get out of neighborhoods they feel stuck in and bring dreams one step closer to attainable.

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