
Creation is a tragic comedy because Water and Fire, the Sacred Feminine and Masculine can never actually touch, they annhilate each other.  That’s why Air, or Mind, must exist between them.  Air lets them dance instead of cancel each other out.  Tragic that they can never touch, but because of that they can get infinitely closer to eachother.  Since Water & Fire are the 2 primary energies of Creation, nothing can be created without the participation of both, so everything, and each of us, has aspects of both within.

When two beings come together, one essentially masculine, one feminine, the outcome is a third being who has both within.  When Water&Fire dance within one being, the product is creativity, Imagination.

Hermes Trismagestus(Thrice Great) observed and layed out, gave insight to the people about, 7 guiding principle that apply to absolutely everything in Nature.  The second is Correspondance (As Above, So Below.  It deals with how the micro reflects the macro, structure of atoms mirror the structure of solar systems), the third is Vibration (everything is in a constant state of vibration so casts Frequency), the fourth is Polarity (everything has a positive and negative side and so a directional flow), the fifth is Rhythm (everything moves in cycles, day, night, the seasons, the tides, the moon…), the sixths is Cause And Effect (‘nuf said), the seventh is Gender (everything has both masculine and feminine aspects but is essentially one or the other).  The First is Mentalism, which states that ALL IS A MENTAL CONSTRUCT OF THE ALL.  The way I’ve always wrapped my mind around that is to consider that Creation is a figment of God’s Imagination.

So the Sacred Feminine and the Sacred Masculine, then become God’s own Water and Fire dancing within the One Being that is Everything.

“Today a young man on acid realized that all energy is merely energy condenced to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing Itself subjectively…here’s tom with the weather…”  The Universe is all about perspective, and it’s easy to adopt the view that nothing is really real.  But the opposing perspective holds just as much water.  Everything is real, to some degree.  Anything that exists, in any way shape or form, even for just a split second, had some spec of reality to it.

The longer something exists, the more density and substance it retains, the more real it is.  That’s why Earth, Manifest Reality, is the Foundation of Existence.  It informs all the other planes and is the one the keeps them existing.  So if Earth stays sick, and She is, then it won’t be long before that sickness starts to degrade and deteriorate All the rest.

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World Cures Clearer

The entire biosphere, all life on the planet, is part of the one living organism that it Earth.  From a neuro-physiological perspective, thoughts are formed by clusters of neurons firing in sequence in the brain.  Now, factoring in the collective unconscious, each of us then become like a neuron in Earth’s brain.  So if there are 10 people, or 10,000 for that matter, thinking about one similar subject, that’s like forming one of Earth’s thoughts.  This is why World Cures will work.

I consider myself a porn connoisseur, but you can’t find the quality out there without catching glimpses of the filth, and every year I see the filth get filthier.  Humiliation!  Usually I’m pretty good at seeing things from other’s perspective, but I cannot phathom for the life of me how anyone can get-off on humiliation, and there’s sooo much of it out there.  When I was 16 I used to be into barely legal, because they looked 17 or 18.  That was 10 years ago.  Now barely legal seems to mean they barely have tits.  Usually they look 13 or 14, it’s FUC*ING REPULSIVE!!!

Earth is sick to living-death of getting more and more dick-brained every year.  That wouldn’t be quite so bad if the heart wasn’t also being crushed out of us.  Emotional intellegence and Heart Consciousness are in the domain of the Sacred Feminine.  She’s being neutalized, systematically disempowered, and we’re using Fire, Masculine Consciousness to do it, which sullies the blade and the chalice in the worst possible way.


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If you’re studying magic for the tricks, you’re studying for the wrong reasons.  It’s about seeking greater harmony with, and understanding of the natural world.  The most important aspect to recognize and appreciate is that the two primary forces of Creation are Fire and Water; the Sacred Masculine and Feminine respectively.  Nothing can be created without the participation of both.

Creation is a tragic comedy because Water and Fire can never directly touch, else they annhilate each other.  That’s why Air, or Mind, must exist between them.  Air lets them dance instead of cancel each other out.  It’s tragic that they can never touch, but because of that they can come infinitely closer without ever truly meeting.  The jouney together can be forever.  That’s the beauty part.

When two beings come together, one essentially masculine, one feminine, the outcome is a third being composed of both Fire and Water.  When Water and Fire dance within one being the product is imagination, Creativity.  We do not think with our mind, that’s just where it takes place.

The easiest way to wrap your head around how the Elements overlap, overlay and interpenetrate one another is to imagine spheres in a jar.  Picture a jar big enough to fit 5 fist-size spheres in it so that they’re snug together and rise just to the rim so the lid still goes on fine.  These densest, heaviest represent Earth, but spheres can never fit together perfectly.  There’s always going to be space between.  Now picture tinier spheres small enough to fit between the Earth ones, these represent Water.  Fill the jar with Water.  Now tinier still, between the Water spheres are Air.  Still smaller between is Fire.  And finally the finest Spirit, or Akasha.  It’s also a picture of Infinity because it could go on forever, privided one could keep making ever smaller spheres.

This jar analogy is appropriate because the Elements are a gradual densification of One Substance.  I consider Spirit to be Love because Love is the finest energy we have a word for.  Spirit gets a little denser to become Fire, which is the source of Light and revelation.  Fire cools to become Air, the mediator, which ficilitates the Dance.  Air doesn’t seek to get in the way and so offers no resistence to Light.  Water is clear, just like Air, but being a little denser does give some resistence to Light, beginning the depth, the dark.  While Light reveals, Darkness conceals, and so is born Her Infinite Mystery.  If you’re going to love only one Element, it should be Earth because She is where all the rest are differentiated, individuated, co-opperating and re-integrating.  By honouring Her, we honour them All.

Good and evil are not senonomous with Light and Dark.  Evil is a matter of choices, but because Darkness conceals, evil tends to hide there, when it’s not hiding in plain sight.  Positive and negative are also tremendously misleading ideas as they have a ‘good’ and ‘bad’ stigma.  The passive, receptive, magnetic Feminine principle would more appropriately be considered ‘Pull’ while the active, transmittive, electric Masculine principle ‘Push.’  …more to follow…

Magical pointers: All magical acts are is the gathering, consentration, focusing and intentional direction of energy to a specific purpose.  To achieve feats like lighting candles and moving objects, one must first develop an awareness and sensitivity of their entire being.  To work toward that goal, my suggestions are these: 1) two kinds of meditation, first, calm, content inner quietude.  Letting yourself just quietly sense your inner-world.  The second, imagine an apple (or any simple similar figure) for 5 minutes, or even one to start if it’s tricky to hold.  When you get good at holding only the figure in mind without drifting off, increase the time by a minute or 5.  2) two journals, one for sharpening your observation skills, try to notice interesting thing as you go about your day and record them and what you think they might mean.  The other, a dream journal.  Nature is all about through-flow, and magic flows through the Unconscious Mind, which is why they’ve so effectively knotted and tangled it up.  Keep it under your pillow and every night as you’re falling asleep tell yourself “I will remember my dreams” and when you wake write them in as much detail as you can remember, every little feeling and shard.  The better you get at remembering your dreams the more in tune with your depths you’ll get during waking life.  Be warned!  Personal demons are a huge insideous part of the controlling view they’ve given us and delving into your depths means facing them.  It’s kind of like The Shawshank Redemption…metaphorically speaking.  At least in some cases, it’s like  crawling through a river of sh*t-smelling foulness you wouldn’t want to imagine.

But we also can scarcely dream how beautiful the reign of Freedom can be.

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The Pedal Principle

Ok, so you know in a padal-boat, if only one person is pedalling both sets of pedals are spinning because they’re connected.  Forget about the boat, put it on some wheels.  Now consider 4 sets of pedals, all connected to a common chain, leading to a bigger, better version of a gear assembly from a 12-speed bike.  4 people adding their force would mean 12th gear could be 4 times harder to turn, which would make 4 times the speed.  This could mean very fast, people-powered, vehicles that have no emmisions and combat the escelating health concern of obesity.

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The Self-Expressionist

It’s to be located in a big open-spaced building, like a warehouse or abandoned factory.  There’ll be halls made of half-height book shelves leading to rooms made of full-hight book shelve.  Each room will have someone from the community that provides a service, like tattoo artists, piercers, body-mod specialists, even tarot readers.  The books will be gathered by subject according to everything someone would learn or could learn in school about that subject.  So if someone wanted to be a cardiologist someday, from the time they were 14, but had little to no hope of ever being able to afford to pay for college for such things, they could spend years leading up to the end of highschool preparing to try to earn a scholarship.  Of course there’d be no cadavers to practice on, but all the book learnin’ could be done there.

In the back there will be a pub, with snacks to go with booze, but since you can’t serve alcohol all night, and it’ll be open 24/7, the other half of the back will be a coffee bar, with donuts and pastries and such.

There will either be a section or a bulletin board for trading.  Say you just got a new t.v. but the old one still works fine, and you don’t have a stereo.  Someone else just got a new stereo but the old one still work great.  This the trade section will facilitate.

The Self-Expressionist could help people get out of neighborhoods they feel stuck in and bring dreams one step closer to attainable.

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Technology is a woderful thing.  It makes our lives easier, which is great.  The problem is, it’s able to do more and more for us, and the more it can do for us the less we have to do for ourselves, and the less we have to do for ourselves the less we wind up actually doing for ourselves, and the less we actually do for ourselves, eventually, the less we CAN do for ourselves.

How is it that suddenly we’re seeing the world and experiencing our connections through screens and NOW we’re beyond being decieved, and everyone before the industrial revolution was nieve?  So many still think that ideas of magic would have endured for so many millennia if there wasn’t something truly to it, and even with scientifically established principles like Uncertainty, Quantum theory in general, sympathetic resonance and morphogenic fields people who believe in magic still get laughed at.

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Heisenberg revisited…

By extention, it’s the same principle that makes battered housewives stay with the slimey dushbags that batter them.  ‘The mere act of observation effects what’s being observed.’  And it’s not just observation alone that determines the effect, but the quality of observation.  If someone looks at you like you’re stupid, ugly and worthless enough you start to feeel that way.  It’s even worse if they tell you so on a regular basis, because then you start to tell yourself, and the more you tell yourself the more you start believing it, and eventually belief leads to reality.

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Women’s Innate Power…

Those in power (old, white, monsters in suits, disgraceful excuses for men), that have been in power way too f**kin’ long, never forgot that occult forces are for real, and they recognized that women have a greater emotional and psycho-spiritual capacity than men, which means they can channel more energy, making them fundamentally more powerful.  Nature is all about through-flow.  This threatens the monsters, hence “the burning times.”  But not as much as women’s innate power over us threatens them.  It can be expressed with a bat of her lashes or an oh-so-subtle, well-timed smile in our direction.  The one and only way this innate power can be negated is if men think of women as nothing.  And those controlling/guiding the conditioning are doing a damn fine job making more and more men think of women as nothing but f**k-toys.  This disembowering effect is of course connected to the Uncertainty Principle…

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World Cures

A physically private, but digitally public lab, dedicated to
curing (not just treating, as the medical/pharmaceutical establishment is only
interested in, because that’s where the money is, repeat business), curing all
the planet and Her people’s biggest problems, from aids to famine, cancer to
deforestation.  The Lab will be furnished with all the best equipment necessary to work the problems and populated by the world’s best brightest young minds for the job in every field necessary. (funding will be fully covered, to be explained at the end)  There will be a website that shows every bit of what goes on there, all their progress but more importantly, all of their hold-ups, and said hold-ups will be outlined both in exact technical terms for others in the field around the world, as well as in layman’s terms for
enthusiastic creative thinkers.  This will work because not only will people, all people, be welcome to submit their ideas, but encouraged to.  People see and think through filters of what they’re passionate about; a painter sees the world in terms of brush-strokes and hues, a musician thinks in harmonics and intervals…

Say the Lab is working on aids, and they hit a snag…they state the problem in a way one biochemist would explain it to another, but also something like, “ok, we’ve developed a vaccine that kills the virus 100% of the time but it also seems to be eating holes in the cellular membrane…”  Now there’s some dear, sweet ol’ girl, lets call her Mabel, who lives in Nowhere Kentucky, who’s been darning her husband’s socks and fixing the knees of his jeans for 50 years.  Mabel hears “holes” she thinks “patches,” so she writes in, “couldn’t you just put some something in the vaccine that patches the holes as they form?”  To a biochemist who knows about such things the very idea is silly, but, it makes him think about the problem from a new angle, in a new light, approaching it from a direction no one had previously.  The Universe is all about perspectives, and if you want to understand something as fully as possible you look at it from as many different points of view as you can find, in as many ways as are available, the more imagination the better.  And, if you want to find a solution to a problem, you consider the problem from every imaginable angle, and every possibility…  Not bad right?  Now to ensure it always has ample funding…

A sister website, ‘party_with_the_stars_for_cures.com’  An annual celebrity party (I know getting the first few to commit will be the hurdle), and anyone willing to participate will have a picture on the site, with a little caption about why they’re notable: movies, sports, t.v., whatever.  Then, for $5, or even $2 would be enough, people will be allowed to enter into a draw to win a first class trip to the party of a lifetime, to have a pint with their
favourite artists.  This would work so well there would be leftover funds after the Lab’s primary expenses are covered, so the surplus would go into holding, and when a cure is found, the extra will be used to produce that cure en mass and distribute it to all in need, free of charge.

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What’s Never To Be Forgotten…

How do the few control the many?


By conditioning us to control each other and ourselves.  “They’re tryin’ ta get me down cause I’m movin’ up, ahh…check out the crabs in the bucket…”  Look in a bucket of crabs, one will be trying to climb out, the others will pull it back down.  Another will be trying to climb out, the others will pull it back down.The way they get us to control ourselves is by culturing personal demons, by setting airbrushed standards we’re supposed to aspire to but could never satisfy.  They confuse our subconscious minds with contradictory implications, and mulch our attention spans preventing us from focusing in a way that empowers us and lets us see through the bullshit to the fact that they’re using our Unconscious minds against us to turn us into our own cages.

There is a spiritual plague raveging our planet and Her people.  It presents differently in everyone but we all have symptoms.  Natural Born Killers and S.F.W. were about the ‘MEDIA SICKNESS’ and the 15-MINUTE CYCLE.  Madison Heights Syndrome is a symptomatic spiritual survival mechanism.  John McClain, Cliff Spab, Eric Dravin, Tank Girl, Steven from Braveheart, are all examples of Madison Heights Carriers.  The spirit that wont be broken, and every joke or laugh is an act of rebellion.  Live Free Or Die Hard was not rated ‘R.’  The only one that wasn’t.  John is John without a fuckin’ foul mouth.  It’s ok for youngsters to see dozens of people get killed, but not ok for them to hear more than one 4-letter word.  Pirates 3, it’s ok for youngsters to see a beautiful woman get shot in the head but it’s not ok for them to catch a glimpse of her nipple.  Death and violence are low-frequency vibes, and the first and most important step in spiritual growth and development is the deep, sincere appreciation of beauty; HIGH.  Don’t get it twisted, I’m not saying “show tits to kids” I’m saying killing should make “R” just as much as beauty and free-speech do.

The bigs (oil, pharmaceuticals, sugar, auto, advertising…) own government, government controls the people, so the bigs are controlling the people.  They’re the ones who write the pathetic curriculum composing a sadistic education system designed not to make us as prosperous and successful in life as possible, but to make us fall in line to fit neatly into the machinery of society, and weed out the undesirables, further sabotaging the un-malleable.  They’re the ones responsible for a legal system that’s a mockery of Justice instead of Her servant.  A collection of loop-holes and statutes that give the wealthiest, most powerful the most wiggle room, that holds no individual accountable for toxic dumping because of CLEVER PAPERWORK!, that generally gives first time serious bank robbers a harsher sentence than first time pedophiles and rapists…

They’re the ones who are systematically disconnecting our conscious minds from our souls and divorcing our perception from natural reality.  The WAR IN SIGNS is not loud enough.  If you don’t feel like screaming at the top of your lungs you’re not paying enough attention.  These are the reasons why every band has the clearance to write one track called FREEDOM and one track called WAKE UP.  The cold, hard truth of the world is the higher you get off the concrete the more sadistic the suits get, and  the more & more influence they have over more & more people.  The trickle down effect.  If they taught history right in school it would be crystal clear that we’ve been fighting the same oppressive fucking aristocracy for 1000’s of years.  “The immaterial has become…immaterial.”  Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle shows, with astonishing consistency, that awareness effects reality, Matter is subject to Consciousness, a core magical precept.  We’re being made to forget, our true Nature, our inner connections to our planet, each other, the Universe, and our Greater Selves.  We’re losing our sense of the Sacred.  Truth is sacred.  So is OUTRAGE.  “Windows gave me the family nature never could.”  Does the bar-code brew it better than you?  Have you ‘freed your skin?’ or ‘joined the fight for phone freedom?’  “A revolution in hair care,”  “Could there be a more divine creation?”  W.T.F.?

“Doesn’t this blend of blindness and blandness make you want to do something crazy…?”

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